Harness effective training and development for your team
A popular water theme park recently clarified what happened after customers were asked to
promptly evacuate their wave pool, with no clear explanation given at the time. Confusion
and speculation about the sudden closure grew online, as expected.

Confusion and speculation can lead to negative consequences
This was set straight later when the theme park explained the closure, confirming that the pool was indeed evacuated because a swimmer had gotten sick in the pool. While business resumed as usual after the incident, the theme park had to contend with the rumour mill swirling. Such incidents can create panic, and reactive behaviours, worsened by conversations on social media.
In a separate incident, a chemical leak at a swimming pool caused a mass evacuation of swimmers and left children choking on the fumes. According to a report, the leak released a toxic vapour cloud into the communal area of the pool, which saw three people being sent to the hospital. What is involved in managing a pool or spa business effectively
While each situation above is unique, these incidents highlight that there is so much more to managing a swimming pool (or spa) business.
At the outset, it is understandable to think that a primary concern is conducting regular testing of the water. But this is not the only issue. Running a swimming pool or spa business can present several challenges such as:
● seasonal fluctuations in demand, which are also affected by the pool’s location
● high operating costs caused by significant investments in equipment, maintenance, staffing, and insurance
● staffing challenges which include the ability to recruit and retain qualified staff who offer specialised skills
● compliance of which there are many regulations and safety standards to meet, the failure of which could lead to fines, lawsuits or equally bad, damage to reputation.
A swimming pool or spa business needs to develop and maintain strategic oversight over a range of issues.
These include:
● ongoing care for public safety
● assessment and rectification of recognised issues and faults as these arise
● proper asset management
● a keen focus on maintaining and improving customer service and confidence and much more.
The strategic importance of regular and appropriate upskilling
While upskilling workers in your swimming pool or spa business may sometimes be seen as important but not urgent, it is a critical ongoing priority. Your workers, armed with the appropriate skills, knowledge, and expertise to do their jobs, are at the coalface.

They see and understand the issues as they arise. They are often, best placed, to figure out how to resolve a workplace issue. For this reason, ensuring that you are upskilling workers through qualifications and regular training and development provided by approved training organisations will ensure that you and your workers are well-equipped to move the business forward.

As our HR and Compliance Manager, David Wurth, explained, “Appropriate and relevant training, is essential for any business. Not only will it improve job performance, but it will also lead to better customer service, greater efficiency, and higher quality products and services.”
A VET (Vocational Education and Training) qualification provides individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to perform specific roles and is industry-recognised, flexible, and accessible.
An investment in your staff’s development can provide increased job satisfaction which in turn, shows your staff that you value their contributions and are committed to investing in their career development.
If you are keen to explore suitable qualifications for staff in your
swimming pool or spa business, contact us today for an obligation-free consultation.
Further resources
● Information for employers about training programmes in swimming pools and spas
● details about an upcoming course on 15 September 2023 – Handle, Transport and Store
Swimming Pool and Spa Chemicals Safely

Quentin Field is the Principal of Resolute Training, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) established in 2019. He heads up the training for Certificates III and IV in Swimming Pool and Spa Service. He is also a licensed electrician and is qualified in Swimming Pool and Spa Services.